Montreal is a great place to pursue vocational training programs. There are many vocational schools on the island where students can learn a variety of skilled trades. Successful and stimulating careers can be pursued through vocational training programs. Students can study cosmetology, hairdressing, plumbing, computer servicing, restaurant and hotel management, culinary work and more. Vocational training programs are a good choice for anyone who is ready to work hands-on.
Here in Quebec, vocational training programs are designed in collaboration with employers and are suited to regional economic activities. They also reflect the needs of the current labor market. This means that graduates usually have no trouble finding a job in their field, and most programs will even set students up with internships that can turn into full-time jobs after graduation. In fact in Quebec 75% of vocational school graduates find full-time work within a year, as there is currently a huge demand for skilled workers. Another amazing thing about pursuing vocational training in Quebec is that through public schools it is completely free for Quebec residents! This helps to encourage more people to study skilled trades.
There are many great vocational training schools that offer their courses in French, and there are also many private vocational training schools in Montreal, but this review will examine the top five English-language, public vocational training schools in Montreal. Let's get started!
5) Pearson Electrotechnology Centre (PEC):
5000 René-Huguet
Lachine, Quebec
H8T 1M7
This school belongs to the Lester B. Pearson School Board, and it is the only English public school of its kind in all of Quebec. It has been open since 2007 and the programs offered include: Electricity, Installation and Repair of Telecommunications Equipment and Computing Support Courses. Sometime in the near future the school will also be offering a Heating and Plumbing program.
Classes for all three programs are offered either during the day from 8:00 to 3:00, or in the evenings from 3:30-10:30. The school features state of the art equipment and all training involves hands-on experience with the highest safety standards. The school partners closely with many businesses including Videotron, Belden, Commission de la construction du Quebec and more. Students are offered many training opportunities through the school's various connections.
4) West Island Career Centre (W.I.C.C):
13700 Pierrefonds Blvd.
Pierrefonds, QC
H9A 1A7
The West Island Career Centre belongs to the Lester B. Pearson School Board and offers training for a wide variety of skilled trades. They cover the fields of healthcare, automobile mechanics, interior decorating and visual display, residential and commercial drafting, and accounting and administration. The specific programs include: Accounting, Administrative Professional, Assistance in Healthcare Facilities, Automobile Mechanics, General building Maintenance, Health, Assistance and Nursing Care, Home Care Assistance, Hygiene and Sanitation in Health Care Settings, Interior Decorating and Visual Display, Medical Office Specialist, Medical Secretary, Residential and Commercial Drafting, and Starting a Business.
This school offers a "Student for a Day" program which pairs up potential students with current students. They are able to spend the day at the school, attending real classes before they decide if it is the right school and/or program for them.
3) PACC Vocational Centre (Pearson Adult and Career Centre):
8310 George Street
LaSalle, QC
H8P 1E5
The PACC Vocational Centre belongs to the Lester B. Pearson School Board. The school offers vocational programs in the fields of food services and tourism, administration, and health. The programs include: Retail Butchery, Food & Beverage Services, Professional Cooking, Pastry Making, Accounting Studies, Administrative Professional , Pharmacy Technical Assistance, Home Care Assistance, Health, Assistance and Nursing Care, Dental Assistance, Assistance in HealthCare Facilities. There is a great variety of programs available to students.
An interesting note is that PACC offers their students an amazing resource free of charge, the online use of the language learning software, Rosetta Stone!
2) Shadd Business Centre:
1000 Old Orchard
Montreal, QC
H4A 3A4
(514) 484-0485
The Shadd Business Centre is part of the English Montreal School Board. The school has been around for over 15 years and their reputation is highly respected. The Shadd Business Centre boasts an impressive job placement rate for qualified graduates. The programs that they offer include: Accounting, Assistance in Healthcare, Pharmacy Technical Assistance, Secretarial Studies, and Starting a Business.
All programs are full-time, but students have the option to sign up for daytime or evening classes. The Shadd Business Centre is very aware that many students are going to be balancing full-time jobs with school, and their flexible scheduling options reflect that.
1) Rosemount Technology Centre (RTC):
3737 Beaubien Ave
Montreal, QC
H1X 1H2
The Rosemount Technology Centre is one of the largest English-language technical career training centres in all of Quebec. It belongs to the English Montreal School Board. The school offers amazing programs that are hands-on, and all of the featured trades are very in demand in Quebec. Programs include: Automated Systems in Electromechanics, Cabinet Making, Computer Graphics Techniques, Furniture Finishing, Industrial Drafting (CAD), Industrial Machine Operator, Machining Techniques, Numerical-Control Machine Tool Operation (CNC), and Printing and Digital Layout.
The school employs a work-study assignment within all of their programs which allows students to use their newly learned skills in real working environments. This often leads to job opportunities in the future.
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