January 2012 Archives

January 2012 Archives

The Decline of the Book and Its Impact on Society.



English: A Picture of a eBook Español: Foto de...

Image via Wikipedia

I am one of those rare individuals who doesn't own a cell phone, iPad, or gaming system . I'm not against gadgets; I just don't buy these things until I either have a need for them, or their earlier version that I already own wears out or breaks. If it weren't for my mother's addiction to new technologies, I wouldn't have an iPod and would probably still be using my discman.


And my thriftiness isn't just confined to gadgets, but extends to everything I own. Despite my pragmatic approach, friends wrongly assume I have an aversion to anything created past 2000. This is why friends are always surprised to hear that I have read the majority of my books online for years--long before the eReader became available.


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Game OVER!



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