Canada is not only home to the young and free, but also the artistic. Arts and culture-related initiatives make considerable contributions to the well being of communities. Canadian artists stand for freedom of expression, a right that all Canadians should be capable of flexing. Art enriches and strengthens an individual's ability to exert their right to freedom of expression.
2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees everyone the
fundamental freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including the
freedom of the press and other media of communication. The three core reasons
that the right to freedom of expression is important are:
1) To ensure the free flow of ideas in a democratic society
2) To ensure free debate in order to allow truth to prevail in the market place of ideas
3) To ensure citizens' ability to self realize through expression is not restricted
According to Section 2(b) of Canada's Charter of
Rights and Freedoms ensures everyone has the right to produce and share their
art. If this is a right to Canadians, why is that the Canadian government has
recently been making fatal cuts to arts funding?
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