Montreal Sex Worker Interview: Lizzy
At what age did you decide to begin sex-work?
J'ai commencé dans le métier d'escorte a 17 ans j'en ai bientôt 35. Mais j'ai pratique en intermittence
I started to work as an escort at 17 years almost until the age of 35. But I only practiced intermitently.
Do you believe most sex-workers enter at an early age when they are too young to decide whether they want to participate by choice?
Je crois que ca dépends des circonstances mais je crois que l'hypersexualisation a banalisé le travail du sexe.
I believe that depends on the circumstances but I believe that hypersexualisation made the job of sex worker commonplace.
Why do you work in the sex trade?
Parce que c'est payant et plaisant il y aussi une dimension humaine a ce travail.
Because the pay is pleasant and there is also a humane dimension to this type of work.
A. You enjoy the work. yes
B. You were obliged by someone else to participate in this type of work
C. You do it solely for the purpose of sustaining yourself financially
What do you find most disturbing about the trade?
A. The lack of security and potential violence while working
B. The work itself
C. The fact that the act is illicit in society, but nevertheless a legal practice.
D. Disrespecting behavior towards you, because you engage in sex-work
Would you quit if you felt you had a way out of sex-work? Why or why not?
Je ne crois pas qu'on puisse reellement quitter ce domaine completement un jour
I do not think that I really can leave the field completely one day
Do you think most prostitutes have pimps? Why or why not?
C'est une minorité de travailleuse du sex qui on des pimps
It's a minority of sex workers that have pimps.
Do you have a pimp or have you had one in the past? Why or why not?
Jamais, j'ai travaillé en agence mais jamais pour un proxénete
Never, I worked in an agency but never for a pimp
Do you ever think of leaving the sex business? Why or why not?
J'ai déjà arreté a quelques reprises. Mais je crois sincèrement que je ne pourrais jamais être très loin de ce monde.
I already have stopped several times. But I think sincerely that I could never be very far from this world.
Do you feel you have other outlets besides working in the sex trade?
J'ai toujours eu un autre travail régulier.. mais j'ai aussi des collègue qui ont aussi d'autres champs d.intérêt
I always had another regular job.. but I also have a number of colleagues who have other fields of interest
Do you feel like the sex trade is glamorized or disregarded? How so?
Il y a beaucoup de préjugés entourant le travail du sexe. A l'occasion il y a des gens qui pensent que nous les escortes avons des vies très glamours. Mais au fond c'est un travail comme les autres. Et il y a aussi les autres qui pensent que nous sommes que des pauvre filles droguées et sans éducations.
There are a lot of prejudices surrounding the job of sex. On occasion, there are people who think that we escorts have very glamourous lives. But at the bottom, it is a job as the others. And there are also others who think that we are impoverished girls on drugs and without educations.
Do you think the criminalization of sex-work contributes to the social stigma and violence prostitutes face? How so?
Oui et non, possiblement au niveau du travail du sexe dans la rue, il est possible que cette réalité soit présente. Au niveau des escorte indépendantes c'est une autre réalité car nous n'avons pas les mêmes conditions de travail. Souvent car nous n'avons pas les problématiques sociales que les filles de rues ont comme la toxicomanie, je ne dis pas que les indépendantes n'ont pas de problemes mais je dis que les filles de rue connaissent plus ce type de realités
Yes and no, possibly the level of work of sex in the street, it is possible that the reality is is present. The independent escort is another reality because we do not have the same terms of work. Often, because of this , we do not have the social issues that the girls of streets have like addiction; I did not say that independent girls don't have this type of reality, but the women of the streets have more of this type of problem.
What would be the advantages of the decriminalization of sex-work?
Les avantages seraient d'abord economiquescar les filles pourraient enfin travailler librement et declarer des revnus en toute legitimité et aussi pourraient ainsi contribuer a des regimes sociaux mais aussi il serait possible pour nous de travailler en sécurité en etant possible d,avoir aussi acces a des controles de santé afin de travailler en securité.
The advantages would first of all be economic. The girls could work freely and declare legitimate revenues and also could contribute to society, and it would also be possible for us to work in security to the extent that we would have access to healthcare.
What are the disadvantages you foresee happening if legislation is set in place to allow legal sex-work businesses, unions, worker's benefits, and tax inclusion?
J'aimerais moi pouvoir declarer mes revenus en toute légitimité et ainsi amaser des revenu pour ma retraite. Loll
I would love to declare my income in any legitimacy and record my income for my retirement. Lol
Do you feel that sex-work would become more enticing for people on the outside with new legal regulations set in place?
Je ne suis pas certaine car ce n'est pas le métier le plus facile.
I am not certain because law is not simple.
Do you find promoting sex-work unethical or the same as regular advertisement agencies selling indirect sex to grab consumers?
Non c'est un service comme les autres. Et si il est toujours present c'est parce qu'il ya une demande
No, it is a service like the others. And it is always present because there is a demand.
Do you think the public is negatively affected by sex-work? How so?
Non je ne crois pas sinon il n'y aurait pas ce debat sur la legalité de la prostitution. Et je ne crois paos que je derange les gens.
No I do not believe it; otherwise, there would not be this debate on the legality of prostitution. And I do not believe that I disturb people.
Do you believe that laws specifying where, how, and in what manner sex-work can be practiced would help alleviate the crime problem against practitioners?
Le travail du sexe comporte diverse formes bar de danseuses, masseuses, escortes , filles de rue et la facon de le pratiquer est diversifié. Il n'y a pas de bonnes ou de mauvaises facon. Parcontre il y a des filles qui dont toutes sortes de choses pour moins d'argent.
The job of sex includes various forms of bar dancers, masseuses, escorts, street girls; the practice is diversified. There is no good or poor practice. However, there are girls do all sorts of things for money.
Do you use drugs? If so, why?
Je n'ai jamais consommer de drogue j'ai toujours fait le métier clean
I have never consumed drugs; I have always been clean.
Do you think drug addiction is a problem for sex-workers the majority of the time? Why or why not?
Pas la majorité mais oui la toxicomanie est présente dans le milieu mais il est certain que ce n'est pas la majorité des travailleuses du sexe qui sont consomatrice de drogue.
Not the majority but yes drug dependency is present in some but I am sure that it is not the majority of the workers of sex that are consumers of narcotics.
Do you believe yourself to be a victim of prostitution or are comfortable with the choices you have made to sell sex?
Non je suis en accord avec mes choix et non je ne suis pas une est certain que mes employeurs dans mon travail de jour ne savent pas ce que je fais mais mes amis et mon entourage savent ce que je fais . c'est une partie de ma vie , pas toute ma vie.
No, I agree with my choice and no I am not a victim. There are certainly employers that don't know that about my work, but my friends and my close family memebers know the work that I do. It's a part of my life, not all of my life.
Do you think there is a difference in the way male sex-workers are treated in comparison with female sex-workers in society? How so?
Ouff je ne connais pas la realité des escortes masculine, c'est un autre monde
Ouff, I do not know anything of the reality of male escorts, it's another world.
Is there a difference in how transgendered or queer prostitutes of opposite sexes are treated in society? How so?
Je ne sais pas comment leur realité est vecue, je vous suggere de contacter des gens via
I cannot comment on their reality, I would suggest you contact them via
Do you believe the sex trade is an inevitable part of society?
Inévitable je ne sais pas, mais je crois humblkement que certain femmes se prostituent sans faire le métier.
Inevitably, I don't know, but I believe humbly that some wommen should be able to do sex work legally.
How is the sex-work scene in Montreal?
Depuis qu'internet existe c'est devenu special. Les filles de rues sont encore si elle se font continuellement deplacée Mais cE'st quand meme facile de travailler a Montreal ou a Quebec, Ici la beaucté de la chose est que les hommes ont changés leurs habitudes.
Since Internet exists it became special. The street girls are still the same. If she become continually displaced. But this is when the same work in Montreal or Quebec. Here , the beauty is the the thing is that the men are changing their habits.
Do you feel it is different in some ways then other cities in Canada?
La realité est différente dans chaque ville. Je ne pourais pas travailler partout. Mais en etant une BBW ca m'aide un peu dans certains marché ou il y en a peu
The reality is unique for each city. I don't work everywhere. But to an extent BBW helps me a bit in some work or there is only a little
What kind of sex-work is most prevalent in Montreal?
Incalls principalement car les hommes n'ont pas d,hotels a payer. Et ca ne laisse pas de trace..les escortes ont la cote , les salons de massage aussi mais les filles doivent offrir plus maintenant.
Incalls in most cases because the men do not have to pay for hotels. And do not leave trace. Escorts are popular, massage parlors are also but the girls have to give more for maintenance.
What do you think the public outlook in general is towards sex-workers in Montreal?
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